墨西哥最出名的女畫家芙烈達卡蘿Frida Kahlo,她戲劇化且悲慘的一生,不只使她的作品流傳千古,更造就了她敢愛敢恨的個性,到底這位勇敢活出自我強烈色彩的傳奇女子有著甚麼樣的信念,才能支撐著她走過這短暫卻艱辛的47年生命之旅?
photo source: marsam
photo source: life-of-frida-kahlo -passportto.iberostar
The only thing I know is that I paint because I need to, and I paint whatever passes through my head without any other consideration.
photo source:frida-kahlo -linesandcolors
I don't paint dreams or nightmares, I paint my own reality.
photo source:the-story-of-frida-kahlo -funstuffcafe
Nothing is worth more than laughter. It is strength to laugh and to abandon oneself, to be light. Tragedy is the most ridiculous thing.
photo source:frida-kahlo -nydailynews
I think that little by little I'll be able to solve my problems and survive.
photo source: frida-kahlo -destination360
I paint myself because I am so often alone and because I am the subject I know best.
photo source: frida6 -artisjoy
I paint flowers so they will not die.
photo source:frida-kahlo -biography
I love you more than my own skin and even though you don’t love me the same way, you love me anyways, don’t you? And if you don’t, I’ll always have the hope that you do, and i’m satisfied with that. Love me a little. I adore you.”
photo source: frida -hortusclosus.wordpress
My painting carries with it the message of pain.
photo source: frida-kahlo -jennifermichie
Pain, pleasure and death are no more than a process for existence. The revolutionary struggle in this process is a doorway open to intelligence.
這些話語都出自她後來被出版成書的日記《The Diary of Frida Kalho》,讓我們能夠更加瞭解這位不凡女性私密的內心話,而她勇敢面對痛苦、愛恨的態度,也讓人們更加推崇她。
Source: Frida_Kahlo -goodreads, frida_kahlo -brainyquote