身兼時尚頂級名牌Chanel和Fendi的設計總監,每一次的服裝發表會沒有人不拍案叫好,人人都得尊稱一聲時尚界老佛爺的Karl Lagerfeld,除了精緻、經典卻同時兼顧創新的設計最為人稱讚之外,口不遮攔也是他的一大特色,曾經他因為公開說英國歌手愛黛兒Adele太過臃腫而被批評,但他的狂妄來自於他堅強的實力,就讓我們來看看這位時尚大帝對於時尚、人、事業的獨特見解名言吧!
Photo source: karl-lagerfeld-1 -vogue.fr
Photo source: karl-lagerfeld -dropdeadgorgeousdaily
「I’m a kind of fashion nymphomaniac who never gets an orgasm.」我就像是個對時尚性愛成癮的女人,而且永遠也到達不了高潮
Photo source: karl-lagerfeld -my-favourite-thing
「Never use the word “cheap”. Today everybody can look chic in inexpensive clothes (the rich buy them too). There is good clothing design on every level today. You can be the chicest thing in the world in a T-shirt and jeans - it’s up to you.」
Photo source: i-d-magazine -highsnobiety
「They're my burka... I'm a little short-sighted, and people, when they're short-sighted, they remove their glasses and then they look like cute little dogs who want to be adopted.」墨鏡就是我的穆斯林長袍,我有點近視,而近視的人不戴眼鏡的時候,看起來就像隻想被收養的小狗。
Photo source: karl-lagerfeld -successfortress
「Sweatpants are a sign of defeat. You lost control of your life so you bought some sweatpants.」運動棉褲就是失敗的象徵,只有對自己生活無法控制的人才會買運動棉褲。
Photo source: karl-lagerfeld -models
「I hate intellectual conversation with intellectuals because I only care about my opinion.」我討厭跟知識份子討論有深度的話題,因為我只在乎我自己的想法。
Photo source: Karl_Lagerfeld -vogue.com
「I would like to be a one-man multinational fashion phenomenon.」我的目標就是當個全世界都崇拜的時尚象徵。
Photo source: karl-lagerfeld -arizonafoothillsmagazine
「What I do Coco would have hated. The label has an image and it's up to me to update it. I do what she never did. I had to find my mark. I had to go from what Chanel was to what it should be, could be, what it had been to something else.」我所設計的Chanel一定會讓香奈兒女士恨死我,因為在我進入這品牌以前,它已經變得枯燥乏味了,是我把它扭轉改造現成今這個模樣的。
Photo source: karl-lagerfeld -paisleycurtain.blogspot
「Why should I stop working? If I do, I’ll Die and it’ll all be finished.」我為什麼不工作?當那天來的時候,就是我的死掉的時候,而一切都會結束。
Photo source: lose-weight -pinkmsg.wordpress
「I lost 200lb to wear suits by Hedi Slimane.」我減掉200磅(約90公斤)就是為了穿Hedi Slimane(現Saint Laurent Paris設計師)的西裝。
photo source: karl-lagerfeld -huffingtonpost
「A sense of humour and a little lack of respect: that's what you need to make a legend survive.」幽默感與些許的囂張,這就是締造傳奇的必要元素。
更多關於Karl說過的話【每句都是經典 時尚大帝卡爾‧拉格斐的經典語錄】
Source: Karl Lagerfeld's quote -marieclaire.co.uk, Karl Lagerfeld -brainquote