如同台灣有台語俗諺,俚語也是在英與對話時,不可或缺的一環!今天就為各位介紹 10 個表達情緒的俚語!
大家一定想知道,究竟哪些俚語才道地呢?Vclass 老師 Dr. J 畢業於哈佛大學,現為台科大人氣教授。在台灣 10 年,中文說得流暢、台語麻欸通的 Dr. J,帶你學各種「表達情緒」的俚語!
1. On cloud nine 樂不可支,開心極了
- Rob was on cloud nine for days after Alice agreed to marry him.
在 Alice 答應嫁給 Rob 後,他開心了好幾天。
2. Happy-go-lucky 樂天派
- A: What is that guy smiling about?
B: Who, Vic? He’s just a happy-go-lucky person. That’s just the way he is
B:誰?你說 Vic 嗎?他就是個樂天的人,那是他平常的樣子。
1. Jump out of one’s skin 大吃一驚
- I nearly jumped out of my skin when she suddenly yelled at me.
2. Butterflies in one’s stomach 感到緊張、忐忑不安
- I always get butterflies in my stomach before a big test.
3. Afraid of one’s own shadow 膽小的;提心吊膽的
- Barbara is afraid of her own shadow.
Barbara 是個膽小鬼,不管是什麼她都害怕。
1. Blow one’s top 大發雷霆
- He blew his top after airport officials refused to let him on the plane.
2. Drive someone bananas 使(某人)抓狂
- It drives me bananas whenever you pick your nose in public.
3. One's heart sinks(某人的)意志消沉、灰心
- My heart sank when I saw that I had missed my flight.
1. Sell down the river 出賣(某人);背叛(某人)
- I can’t believe my brother sold me down the river and now I’m going to jail.
2. Let the cat out of the bag 洩漏秘密
- I can’t believe Jill let the cat out of the bag that I’m gay.
我真無法相信 Jill 把我是同性戀的秘密洩漏出去了。
學會以上 10 句表達各種情緒的俚語,相信下次你就能更精準的敘述當下心情!
cover photo source:IMDb《Friends》