你認為人的一生當中,甚麼最可怕?是同儕霸凌、職場壓力,還是「後悔」?攝影師Trent Bell成立「Reflect」專案,請監獄中的罪犯寫一封信給過去的自己,字裡行間透出來的力量,或許會讓你有一些思考。
“Just know that people will always try and test you, and no matter what you think, only a real man can walk away.”
“If you think something might be a bad idea, believe it! Don’t do it.”
“Never lose the person you really are because it may be too late by the time you find yourself again.”
“You must be willing to forgive those that ask or deserve for forgiveness in order to be forgiven yourself.”
“I have spent most of my life behind bars and you are worth much more than that.”
“Life is far from over, Jamie. The mistakes we made in the past are the mistakes we will learn from.”
“We let drinking and drugs shatter our dreams and our potential future.”
“Be quick to smile, slow to anger, and treat all people with respect they deserve. That is how you will avoid becoming me.”
“Every decision you make affects everyone around you, most importantly your own future.”
“I believe in you, so many people do, you just have to believe in yourself.”
看到這些罪犯的臉孔與他們親手寫下的文字,好多處都令人鼻酸,Trent Bell想傳達給世人的是,我們所做的每一個決定都很有可能導致不同的人生,甚至會產生後悔。而每個人的解讀都不同,你又怎麼看待這件事呢?
Source: portraits-prison-inmates-merged-handwritten-letters -dailymail.co.uk,prisoners-write-letters -news,REFLECT –trentbell, convicts-letters-to-past-selves-reflect-trent-bell -boredpanda