現在打開電腦,想要聽聽音樂首先想到的都是Youtube,而Youtube的確也是許多美好聲音的孕育搖籃。但早在2006 年時,David Choi周大衛就上傳了一首名為YouTube之愛 (YouTube A Love Song) 的歌曲,讓他一夕成名。
其實熟悉網路的人,應該都對David Choi 很熟悉,美籍韓裔的他,以溫順的嗓音和貼近人心的歌詞,讓他的音樂在網路上廣受歡迎並瘋傳。至今已在YouTube擁有近百萬訂閱者、頻道點閱率破億、唱作俱佳的網路紅人David Choi,將在今年8月29日,首度來台開唱啦!這次妞新聞搶先採訪到了David,一起來看看和藹可親的他跟妞新聞的Q&A吧!
What inspires you when you write your music? Where does the creativity come from?
The world around me and my life inspires me. The people I meet, the people I've lost, the experiences I've had - all play a part in my music.
Creativity comes from a strange place...not sure exactly where, but it definitely creeps up on you when you least expect it.
Why did you choose not to let your family know you were doing music?
David:有點不好意思,我以前是個很害羞的人,而我當時最不想讓我父母發現的事情就是我在Youtube 上放上了我自己做的音樂,還被傳到了世界各地。
Embarrassed. I was a shy kid and the last thing I wanted my parents to know was that I was making videos on YouTube for the world to see.
Why did you choose to start with internet/youtube? Did you ever try sending demos to records companies?
David:從Youtube 開始純粹是因為厭倦了,也為了要實驗看看。我當時疲於為許多藝人寫歌,而且也想嘗試寫一些很傻的歌。一開始就只是因為這樣而從網路上開始,而這件事發展得比我預期的還要龐大,所以我從來沒有以藝人或歌手的身份寄過Demo或是試唱的經驗,不過我曾經有為了寫歌而做過這件事。
I started on YouTube purely out of boredom and experimentation. Was tired of writing songs for other artists and wanted to write a silly song for once and release it. I did just that and it turned out bigger than expected. I never sent demos to record companies as an artist, but I did as a writer.
If you were not musicians, what would you do?
I would probably be in business. I really don't know what else I'd do other than music.
妞:你的偶像是? Who is your idol?
David:史提夫汪達 Stevie Wonder
What is your ultimate dream of doing music?
Have people around the world listen to my music and make them think and feel things they wouldn't have otherwise.
Is there anything you always do before having concerts, ie. workout, voice training, eat, etc?
Just warm up my voice a little bit. There are a lot of things I should do that I don't...I should start though...
What is the most thing you remember so far from your previous tours?
Well at my last show, I had a girl come up to me and show me her new tattoo. It was of my signature. Wow!
妞:為什麼台灣是最終站? 對台灣的印象是? 來台灣最想做什麼?
Why Taiwan is the last stop of your tour? What is your impression about Taiwan? What is the most thing you want to do in Taiwan?
EVERYONE is saying so many great things about Taiwan so I had to go and check it out for myself. I've never performed in Taiwan and I wanted to play for my fans out there for the first time. I'm also a big foodie so I'm looking forward to eating a ton when I'm there!
What is the first thing you want to do right after your tour in Asia?
妞:台灣現在是鬼月? 有沒有恐怖的撞鬼經驗?
This month is "ghost month" in Taiwan. Do you have any experiences with ghosts?
Nope, but I would love to see one. It would freak me out, but I'd still like to see one.
What do you want to say to your fans in Taiwan?
That I Ai Ni (愛你)everyone out there and I can't wait to see you all!!!!
Which song did you record the most times?
David:王力宏的 " Still in Love With You" (依然愛你)哈哈,因為我是個韓國人,用中文唱歌對我來說的確有點困難。
Wang Lee Hom's "Still in Love With You" haha! I'm Korean so it was a bit tough learning how to sing in Mandarin!
那就讓我們來看看David 唱得好不好囉……(竊笑)
Source: 演唱會售票網站/ DAVID CHOI 2013 UYL TOUR - TAIWAN/ David Choi臉書粉絲團
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