Frusciante(直譯佛香甜)是由幾位老大不小的年輕人所組成,團名取自Rea Hot Chili Peppers的吉他手John Anthony Frusciante的姓氏,但他們的音樂和Red Hot Chili Peppers一點關係也沒有,比較多受到的是一些記不太得團名的美國獨立搖滾音樂的影響。團齡雖然稚嫩,但各個樂手不管是在樂齡還是實際年齡上都大人一截,經過江湖歷練後的聲音當然是精彩可期,讓你忍不住落下廉價的男兒淚。都這把年紀了,說搖滾多沈重,音樂嘛,看起來帥就好。
**the Tic Tac**
從一開始的鍵盤低音和炸裂的吉他聲響,Tic Tac 為自己找了一個新的輪廓。以民謠、鄉村為基底的吉他聲線,更強調韻律及重量的鼓擊和貝斯,勾勒出另一個截然不同的他們,使用著更為成熟認真的語言述說著他們想要表達的世界。
The Tic Tac is a Taiwanese indie rock band, a musical collective including 5 members, formed in 2008 by Chad Hsu.
All members of The Tic Tac came from Taiwan indie music scene.
At present, we constantly appear at all kinds of music scene and music festival in Taiwan.
Our music is focusing on alternative country with aggressive fuzz sounds of guitar. We want to create the atmosphere of epic. We continuing add various elements in order to finding the sound belongs to The Tic Tac. Also, the group's sound could be considered a combination of all of its members' respective musical projects. Country, Psychedelic, Disco, Post Rock, Urban Folk, we experience all kinds of possibilities.
Now we are recording our debut album, and it will be release in summer 2013.
01/01 at the WALL Live
17/01 at Revolver Bar
09/03 at The Sound of The Rooftop Festival
過了25,丟不掉青春,越往最原來的地方去。不再過於用力,更多的是直覺,是潛藏在所熱愛的直率音樂中的本質。 熟悉的臉孔們重新出發,踩上踏板,在爽朗音牆中只有自己原本的樣子,只會做自己的歌,繼續在這條路上滑行。
表演地點│The WALL公館(台北市羅斯福路四段200號B1)