提到Cara Delevingne,我們腦袋會浮現一位個性十足、濃眉大眼的年輕女生,或許還會想到她日前公開出櫃的消息,但除了她在伸展台及娛樂圈的表現,以下這10句出自Cara Delevingne的名言,或許會讓妳更了解她、甚至更愛她!
“Why settle for a fake when there's an original?”
“Stop trying to define who you are and just be.”
“Make sure you get your one portion of weirdness a day, it keeps your bones strong.”
“I treat the camera like a person - I gaze into it. Photos are a flat thing, and you need to put life into them.”
“Fame, do I like it? No. It has bought a lot for me in my career, but there are a lot of downsides to it. You give up your privacy. I did it to myself but not to my family and friends. You don't ask for it. You just have to live with it.”
“I'm so bored of looking at my face.”
“It's hard finding people you trust or who aren't going to take your money. Everyone wants to get a piece of whatever you're doing. It's a nightmare.”
“Kids should speak to each other. They're horrid to each other online, they bully each other - they should shut up and stop it. The problem with social media is there is too much freedom. It's too much, too young.”
“My way of relaxing was always doing the opposite and playing the drums, but I need to be able to actually chill.”
“I just don't think that I trust men. That's the problem. I can appreciate a beautiful-looking man, but he's not my type.”
1992年出生,年僅21歲的Cara Delevingne年紀輕輕就成為全球皆知的超模,而這些光鮮亮麗的生活為她帶來的影響與特殊見解,都能從她說過的話中略知一二,看完她這些獨具個人特色的言論,你是不是從中得到一些啟發,或者更愛她了呢?
Source: cara-delevingne-quotes -chatterbusy.blogspot.tw,cara_delevingne -brainyquote, Cara Delevingne -pinterest